Community Thread

About Community Thread
At Community Thread, we create critical connections that shape lives and give them meaning. We offer two senior centers, help people get to medical appointments, assist people wanting to remain independent, and enrich lives by connecting volunteers to needs in our community.
Our volunteer-oriented programs serve people of all ages. Families, individuals, employees, and students participate in our signature service initiatives, which occur four times a year. These events engage nearly 1,000 volunteers each year, providing direct service to older adults and low-income families and helping other local nonprofits accomplish their work. We also provide opportunities for adults of all ages to volunteer in a variety of ways through Community Thread and at many other organizations throughout the St. Croix Valley.
Our value to the community is measured in collective action that solves problems while building relationships and connections.

Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Our Stillwater location is a block north of Cub Foods and across the street from the St. Croix Rec Center.

2300 Orleans Street West
Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone: 651-439-7434
Fax: 651-789-4193
Community Thread Community Thread